Welcome to My Adventures in Bargain Hunting and Becoming Debt Free!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Baby Steps of Debt Free

We have recently read and learned Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. As I read this in my tub (yes, I read in the tub!), I yelled for DH. I was absolutely in awe of what this guy was saying! THE TRUTH. I have grown up believing that everyone has a credit card, everyone is in debt and that's the was life is unless you are extremely rich. How naive I was.

I realized that I don't want to be in debt. I want to be debt free and only owe money to me. Well, let's face it - my mortgage will haunt me for a long while because we have serious credit card debt. But, we're working on that! We've paid off one credit card thus far and have definite plans to pay off 2 more with our tax return. I've also started 'bargain shopping'.

When I met DH, he had no clue that people used coupons for anything. Ha! I was still in high school and ALWAYS used coupons! With the unexpected conception and birth of our first child, I went coupon crazy! I've started the (GIANT) project of converting my overstuffed coupon folder to a sophisticated coupon binder. :-) Let's just say that with the help of an almost two-year-old, it's taking me quite a bit longer than I had hoped to finish my binder.

I regularly scour bargain blogs such as Melissa's, Collin's, and Kristin's. I am in awe of these ladies!

I've also been trying my hand at making baby items. I made a few for friends/family and was told "You Should Sell These!". So, I am! Here's my Etsy store.

I hope you'll enjoy my trials (and there will be MANY) and adventures as I become debt free!

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